Region Groups allow you to associate regions with each other. Associated regions will respond to ‘selection’ together

Implicit region groups: facilitate edits in a track-group

Region-groups are implicitly assigned when you record, import, or paste new regions to the timeline. You can access these groups by making a track group (like: Drums). Now, all the ‘takes’ of a recording will be implicitly grouped for you. Splitting any grouped region(s) will retain their relationship. The associations between tracks are now much better retained, even if you use overlapping region layers and crossfades that cause the regions to start & end at different times. The regions remember which ‘take’ they belong to.

Explicit region groups: connect groups regardless of their track or track-group affiliation

To explicitly Group regions, you should first select them, and then right-click to access the context menu, or open the main menu->Region:

By default, you can use the shortcut Cmd+G (Ctrl+G on PC) to “group” your selected regions. Or use Shift+Cmd+G to ungroup the selected regions.

Explicit region groups can span multiple tracks: if you want your regions to select & edit together across multiple tracks and track groups, just assign them to a group and have your way!

Un-grouping your explicit region groups:

Alternatively, if regions are selecting together and you don’t like it, it you can explicitly un-group them to break the relationship, even when the track group is trying to enforce it.

Overriding the region group:

You can momentarily override region groups with the Ctrl/Cmd modifier, if you just want to grab “one” region.
If the regions are highlighted you will need to press the ESC key to deselect the regions then hold the Ctrl/Cmd modifier.


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