Mixer Scenes allow you to quickly save and recall your knob settings of the mixer: this includes the fader, panner, sends, send levels, eq settings, compressor settings, and plugin settings. You can use this to temporarily stash a mix, like “wetter vocals” or “vocal +2dB” and compare the 2 mixes.

Using Mixer Scenes

Left-click on a scene to recall the mixer settings to your mixer. Right-click on a scene button to store (and name) the scene.

After a scene is stored, you can right-click on a mixer scene button to see these additional options:

  • Store: stores your current mixer settings into the scene (this operation is not undo-able)
  • Clear: delete this scene (this operation is not undo-able)
  • Rename: enter a new name for this scene

Momentary Audition: middle-click with the mouse to momentarily recall the settings, then release the mouse to revert to your prior settings. This can be used to compare your current mix against a prior mix, and then restore your current settings. (if you don’t have a middle-click button on your mouse or trackpad, you can use Cmd+click (or Ctrl+Click on windows)

More details about mixer scenes

Mixer Scenes are stored inside each session snapshot file. If you have a session folder with 8 different songs stored as snapshots, then each song (snapshot) will have its own bank of mixer scenes, and they do not affect each other (although if you create a new snapshot it will inherit the parent’s mixer scenes)

When you store a mixer scene, it stores all of your current mixer settings, for all of your tracks and buses. However, note that if you’ve created a new track since you saved a scene, the scene will not have any settings for the new track so no changes will occur on a new track until you re-save a scene with the new track’s settings in it.


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