The Grid Tool is a special tool that does not affect regions on the timeline directly; instead, it adjusts the musical grid (ruler lines) to match them to a live performance of either Audio or MIDI on your timeline.

When the Grid Tool is activated, you’ll notice that the cursor changes to represent 2 different cursor modes. Measure lines can be assigned a tempo; whereas ‘beat’ lines can only tweak the ramp between 2 tempo markers.

  • clicking on a measure line where no tempo marker exists, will immediately create a new tempo marker in the tempo ruler
  • dragging on a measure line that already has a tempo marker, will warp the position of the tempo marker without moving any prior or later tempo markers
  • dragging a measure line beyond the ‘last’ tempo marker will set the tempo of the immediately prior marker, and also continue that tempo through the last marker
  • dragging on a measure line that is between 2 tempo markers will adjust the prior and middle marker, without moving the position or tempo of later markers
  • dragging a beat line will ‘ramp’ or ‘warp’ the tempo between 2 tempo markers. This accommodates a band’s natural tendency to speed up or slow down in the final beats before going into a new section (chorus or breakdown or …)

Advanced users: if you have multiple songs on a timeline, or some other reason to require non-contiguous tempo markers, then you should investigate BBT Markers. BBT Markers will prevent tempo-changes from propagating through the entire tempo-map.


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